Time to read: 9 minutes. Promise.
How can I follow this proposal and not lose track?Right click on links and open links in a new page. Or press ctrl+H and look under history for pages under
http://cookislands.blogspot.com -
helpful hint – read the whole page before clicking on any links.
What are the benefits of this proposal to Island Hopper?Higher rankings in all search engines.
You mean more business?Ae.Haven’t we heard this before?Yes, many thousands of services make this promise, as more than
4,000,000 pages from a Google search will slowly tell you. Nearly all of them promise high-tech ways to optimise search engines results. Google
says little of this works.
What makes your promise any different?Avaiki does not know the first thing about high-tech website ranking search engine optimisation. Our expertise is in low-tech, easy ways to boost rankings.
How?By providing local clients with tools to create what search engines value more than anything else: fresh, unique content.
Why is this important?Because search engines like Google
tell us that!
That link looks like lots of bla bla bla - what are the most important bits?This bit - “Create a useful, information-rich site, and write pages that clearly and accurately describe your content.”
What does this mean to us?It means writing skills are more important to Island Hopper than high-tech search engine optimisation tricks – Avaiki can help develop writing skills and simple tools to get that writing online.
What tools?Email-based weblog sites, like this one.
What skills?Encouraging Island Hopper staff to trust their own voice – authentic news and views from a wide range of Cook Islanders. Not slick PR copy. Real voices. Our best “trick” is to ask people about their experiences and, when they finish a sentence say “stop – write that down!”
Okay, what is the end result and how will that make money for Island Hopper?You’ll have to slow down and concentrate – just for a minute! End result of this proposal from Avaiki for Island Hopper is dozens of new webpages with fresh content all linking back to your website. As weeks become months, then years, dozens become hundreds, thousands and then tens of thousands of web pages. Search engines like Google look for links more than anything else, rating unique pages higher than anything else – meaning higher search engine rankings, more unique “hits” – more unique customers – more sales – more money.
So this is a long-term project?Sure. So is Island Hopper!
Which means long-term expense for Island Hopper?No. Our focus on counterpart trainers means we train your staff, who train others.
Other reasons?Avaiki is committed to promotion of all forms of independent journalism, including emerging trends towards “we media” – communities writing their own “news” not just information gatekeepers like newspapers, radio and TV.
Is this the strategic advantage you were talking about?Yes. Other tourism operators may continue spending thousands of dollars on the kind of slick PR marketing – yawn – that increasingly sophisticated tourists have seen and heard many, many times before. Island Hopper can surf ahead of the “we media” wave just by helping its local client base build unique content.
Won’t others start doing the same thing?Of course. In fact, Avaiki will encourage it as a way of attracting higher-spending geo-tourists to the country and region as a destination. However, Island Hopper can stay ahead by starting before anyone else and continuing to add content.
Is this one of those unique, once-in-a-lifetime offers my mum warned me about?Think of it this way – remember email? Remember how much easier that made life, in terms of promotion and communication? Now imagine your email list is anyone who types the world “holiday” into a search engine.
Okay – but training others means we lose control over what other people write - what happens if people start writing stuff that reflects poorly on us as a destination?Island Hopper can provide context, background and rankings of its own. Potential online clients will be intrigued – like the
Galapagos site – and want to read more.
Yeah, right.Old school: sex sells. New school: Truth sells.